Alternative fuel to reduce energy consumption

alternative fuelWaste derived alternative fuel is fast, easy and profitable way to reduce fossil fuel costs and emissions.

In this new era, public involvement is a very important aspect due to every citizen has the right to live in a healthy environment and the obligation to protect the environment. Generally, the concept of public involvement is dealt with according to the three pillars of the Aarhus Convention: 1) Access to information; 2) Participation in planning and decision making; and 3) Access to justice. Therefore, good information is vital for effective public participation. Thus, it is necessary for all authorities and political parties to know their responsibility in making planning and decision making processes.

With limited land area and a dense population, waste management plays a vital role in ensuring that there is a sustainable balance between reducing environmental impacts and maximizing resource value. Many might not be aware that the waste produced on a daily basis in the forms of solid, liquid, gaseous or radioactive can be managed properly with the right procedures to re-produce reusable energy. This reusable energy falls under the range of products that we have got to offer.

Refuse Derived Fuel (RDF) and Solid Recovered Fuel (SRF)

refuse derived fuelIn a nutshell, the treatment plants process waste and rubbish – pretty much anything that gets thrown away!

The waste received goes straight into the treatment plants where its able to separate, grade, blend, refine or bale it, as well as reducing its size. And this is where the clever recycling bit comes in because it turns that rubbish into something that can be used again.

For example, its able to produce up to 200,000 tonnes of high quality solid recovered fuel or refuse derived fuel to meet a specific customer’s requirements, even down to an individual size or wrapping.

Recycle Fuel Oil (RFO)

recycle fuel oilA range of certified high quality energy fuel oil products that carries friendly biodiversity criteria which are proven to be less harmful to our environment and atmosphere. These products are produced to set a specification as required by customers to match their needs due to their different business backgrounds.

The energy fuel oil is produced to be used on off-road diesel engines, boilers, gas turbines and other combustion equipment:

  • Eco Light Fuel Oil (ELFO).
  • Super Light Fuel Oil (SLFO).

Other alternative fuel

  • Biomass.
  • Carbon Black and Carbon Granule.
  • Scrap Tyre.
  • Tyre Derived Oil (TDO).
  • Bio Diesel.