5 Ways Helped Millions on Fuel Saving Everyday
Why my car is using a lot of petrol? Fuel saving best practices Looking for a fuel saving car? Keeping your Petrol at optimum consumption level is much better for…
CEMAX ENERGY Solid Recovered Fuel Sorting Plant
What is Solid Recovered Fuel Solid Recovered Fuel (SRF) is a type of "fuel" used by certain combustion industries as a way to reduce emissions. Cement plants, lime plants, and…
Sanitizing chamber for safe entrance
Daily sanitizing is important, and a sanitizing chamber is needed now for the new normal. We can wash our hands with soap. We can wear a face mask to protect…
Sanitization Malaysia
Sanitization Service in Malaysia Where do you find sanitization Malaysia for the Novel Coronavirus COVID-19? Today, same as everywhere in the world, the Novel Coronavirus COVID-19 has infected the space…
Disinfection service in Malaysia
Your total solution to virus and bacteria disinfection service in Malaysia Is the disinfection service in Malaysia necessary for me? In the virus-infected world, we are living in, viruses and…
CEMAX ENERGY Spent Refractories
Spent Refractories from the Industries There are thousands of metal-related companies in the world that discard million metric tons of spent refractories annually. Nearly all of the spent refractories are…
CEMAX ENERGY Waste Incinerator (Malaysia only)
Why Waste Incinerator is Needed in Malaysia? Are you thinking of waste incinerator for domestic, commercial and industrial requirement in Malaysia? Undoubtedly, products that we all use every day have…
CEMAX ENERGY Mobile Incinerator (Malaysia only)
Mobile Incinerator for Various Application in Malaysia Whether you need a mobile incinerator in a remote area in Malaysia, as a way of controlling disease or transported between multiple sites…
CEMAX ENERGY Animal Incinerator (Malaysia only)
Animal incinerator for Malaysia poultry production Is animal incinerator, a piece of common equipment widely utilized in poultry production in Malaysia? In Malaysia, 50% of poultry farming takes place on…
Diesel Cost Saving with Fuel Additive
Are you achieving the Diesel cost saving last year as estimated? This is the biggest question post by any Management when the Diesel cost is one of the main expenses…