WEG Electric Motor
Electric motor Malaysia WEG's electric motor Malaysia is the solution of electric machines and automation for industry and energy systems. The main products of WEG worldwide is electric motors, drives, controls,…
MM Air Blaster / Air Cannon in Malaysia
Air blaster in Malaysia Air blaster is a powerful and innovative solution to remove blockages and build-ups of mainly thermal industries in Malaysia. We offer preventive solutions to enable you…
HI-VAC Industrial Heavy Duty Vacuum
Industrial Heavy Duty Vacuum HI-VAC provide a wide range of heavy duty vacuum for a cleaner environment, which is in compliance with current standards, regardless of your activity or the…
Only DOSH Malaysia certified workers in confined space entry
Workers certified by DOSH Malaysia only Only competent workers with DOSH Malaysia's certification can work in confined spaces. This is a safety measurement to prevent accidents and fatalities. The top…
Labor Talk: Grain bin safety
MODept Labor talks on grain bin safety Grain bin safety, handling and storage plays a very important role in Missouri farming. But working in grain bins can also be very…
ON-SITE-GAS-SYSTEMS Nitrogen Generator
Nitrogen generator Malaysia vs liquid nitrogen Malaysia On-Site-Gas-Systems is the pioneer and global leader in on-site oxygen and nitrogen generator Malaysia. Many of their original generators are still going strong…
DSH Dust Suppression Hopper (better than dust collector)
Dust collector Malaysia Dust fallout while transferring dry, granular goods is always an industrial material handling challenge for a normal dust collector Malaysia. As a proven substitute, a DSH dust…
RHINO Ozone Generator 6g/hour
Healthy living with ozone generator Ozone generator is a type of air purifier. It is available in four forms that are: (1) In-duct unit for central air system; (2) Portable indoor unit;…
USD 300000 profit per year in rotary kiln refractory demolition
Profitability calculation in rotary kiln refractory demolition Refractory demolition in rotary kiln such as cement kiln could be an easy Return of Investment. Conditions (A) Demolition of kiln section coating…
Controlled demolition robot for demolition contractor Singapore
Construction companies in Singapore Controlled demolition is part of the wide range of jobs of construction companies in Singapore. From bathroom renovation to heavy duty removal of reinforced concrete wall.…