KIMA MillMaster Grinding Mill Predictive Control
MillMaster Predictive Control of Grinding Facilities
Is your grinding process efficient enough?
MILLMASTER gets the most out of it and raises the output by a guaranteed 5%.
Over 100 installations, worldwide in operation: Cemex, Dyckerhoff, Gulf Cement, HeidelbergCement, LafargeHolcim, Superbeton, and many more.
Benefits at a glance
– more energy efficiency
– increase in production
– improved product fineness
– less wear
– higher facility availability
– reduced maintenance costs
Predictive control of grinding facilities
MillMaster controls closed grinding circuits — fully automated. If required, without operator. One system is able to operate up to four mills at the same time, thus increasing your facility’s availability by preventing overfilling and similar failures.
The consequent constant and optimal fill level ensures smooth and stable operation, leading to significantly less wear and a more homogenous product. Additionally, the output increases and the power consumption drops.
MillMaster can be integrated into every automation system—it issimply plugged in via a standard OPC interface. With your previous control system on standby you can switch to it at any time.
The new “auto adaptive” mechanism automatically and independently determines and adjusts the ideal filling level to always ensure optimal mill operation.
The modular concept allows you to choose the functions you need. MillMaster offers modules for the control groups on the right.
If desired—thanks to our flexible system—additional modules can be developed and easily integrated at any time.
Test us now, as long as you want. Request your personal leasing offer.