Refra Kolloquium 2016
Since 1970, hundreds of experts from all over the world have taken advantage of the opportunities provided by this regular two-day REFRA-Kolloquium to gather information about the latest refractory topics and the developments in the cement industry.
Well-known speakers and the high quality of their lectures have turned the REFRA-Kolloquium into the leading technical conference in our field of business, always followed by the trade press and the international public with great interest.

The 14th REFRA-Kolloquium will take place from 31 May to 3 June 2016, at the Estrel Hotel & Convention Centre, in Berlin, Germany.
Under the headline “Energy – Innovation – Performance”, the key cement experts from all over the world will meet again, and a number of specialized industry executives (LafargeHolcim, CRH, Lhoist, VDZ, Argos, Onestone) will deliver 22 first-class lectures on technical developments in the cement as well as refractory industry. During this essential event, participants will gain an insight into global market trends and drivers for change in both industries.

A panel discussion and a comprehensive exhibition of useful tools for the cement producers will form an essential part of the conference.
The REFRA-Kolloquium events are organised by Refratechnik, in every four years. In 2012, almost 800 participants from 70 countries attended the REFRA-Kolloquium.

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