WEG in Semen Padang

The second biggest cement plant in Indonesia, PT Semen Padang, received from WEG Regional Service Asia, a two days technical training in its facilities after purchasing a range of six Slip Ring Motors for mills and fans application.
The six motors were produced in WEG Brazilian manufacturing plant. The range of output includes 450kW, 520kW, 750kW, 1000kW and 1500kW, all motors fitted with brush lifting device, which is a new system to the customer that used to work with fixed brush holder system. WEG motors replaces the old ones in operation. In this system the brushes are not permanently in contact with the ring, therefore avoiding wear and providing longer lifetime to the system.
Looking forward to give special attention to the customer, WEG Regional Service Asia organised and gave this training with focus on both theory and practice.
The theory training included:
- Electrical and mechanical maintenance – general aspects and recommendation.
- Operation and structure details of the WEG brush lifting device.
- Maintenance of the lifting device system.
- Disassembling and assembling procedures.
- Critical check points.
- Adjustments and operational checking.
In total, 22 mechanic engineers and technicians from PT Semen Padang received the training. It contributed with valuable information considering that was specially organised according to the customer’s needs.